Recognizing Our Emotions and Naming Feelings.
Mindfulness and kind attention can bring us more deeply in touch with our breath and our body. In the same [...]
Mindfulness and kind attention can bring us more deeply in touch with our breath and our body. In the same [...]
This week I am learning how to cultivate and develop the foundational practice of mindfulness of breathing. Its not an [...]
I am attending a 6-week course “The Power of Awareness” led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. This is a [...]
I have taken on meditation teacher Sudhir Jonathan Foust's (to whom I look to for inspiration) invitation: select 1 observance [...]
Watching her mother cut off the ends of the roast before she placed it in the oven, year after year, [...]
Our seeing, hearing and remembering are all influenced by the sum of our experiences. How do we really form opinions? [...]
That's what I am working on this week. My Australian University course, the Science of Thinking is on pause as [...]
That's the course I am taking from the University of Queensland, Australia. Hopefully I will learn something new and approach [...]
Jon Kabat-Zinn writes that mindfulness and compassion are 2 wings of a bird. Being mindful helps us to unlock our [...]
Stress is anything that knocks us out of homeostatic balance. Being human is different than being any other animal, [...]